Interesting Period Facts
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Periods are a natural function of the human body. They consist of the monthly elimination of the endometrium when there is no fertilization of the egg and implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

Here are some interesting facts about this incredible menstrual mechanism! 💕
  • In the past, women had to be very creative in controlling their periods since there were no pads or tampons. For example, in ancient Egypt, they used softened papyri. In Greece, wood wrapped in thread or wool. In Japan, they used paper. In the United States, absorbent cotton was used. And in France, they used bandages.
  • The first time someone said “vagina” in a movie was in a Walt Disney film in 1946. It was an animated film titled, "The Story of Menstruation,” created for health education classes given in schools.
  • On average, women lose between 70 to 100 milliliters of blood during each period - that’s approximately four tablespoons!
  • We menstruate about 450 times throughout our lives.
  • Menstrual fluid doesn’t have a smell until it is exposed to air. Once it is on a tampon or pad, the air reaches the fluid and it may develop a mild odor that other people will most likely not be able to detect.
  • The uterus is only the size (and shape) of a pear. During your period, it may feel huge due to cramps and bloating, but your uterus is only about 3 inches long and 5 inches wide.
  • Menstrual fluid is made up of more than just blood. It also contains cervical mucus, vaginal secretions, and endometrial tissue. Many women mistake endometrial tissue for blood clots, but it's really just the inner lining of the uterus, and it's completely normal to see a few each month. 
It is important that you get to know all of the wonders that your body can do 💗
Remember that if you notice any abnormality in your period, you should immediately consult with your doctor or a medical professional who can help.