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Despite the fact that menstruation is something that all women have experienced since the beginning of time, it had not attracted the attention of the scientific community until very recently.

Scientists have begun to do studies about the composition of menstrual blood and the causes for which some women suffer from disorders such as amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), oligomenorrhea (infrequent or very light menstrual cycles) or Menorrhagia (excessively abundant flows or flows.)
Before discussing its composition, it is essential to understand what a period is and what process it responds to. Every month, the menstrual cycle helps the body prepare for pregnancy and, if this does not happen, the menstrual period occurs.
The menstrual cycle and period are controlled by hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. These hormones make the lining of your uterus thick and spongy. In this way, if the egg is fertilized by a sperm, it already has a comfortable place to settle and begin a pregnancy. This coating is made up of tissue and blood, just like almost everything that makes up the inside of our bodies. If a pregnancy does not occur, the body does not need that thick lining in the uterus. The lining breaks down, and blood, nutrients, and tissues leave the body through the vagina. Basically, the blood we lose each period is nothing more than the uterine lining that your body did not use.
Recent scientific studies have found that menstrual blood is made up of water, various dead endometrial cells, lipids, proteins, stem cells, and hormones such as progesterone.
In some cases, scientists have found the presence of organic pollutants in menstrual blood. This is because the body, in its effort to eliminate parabens (chemical substances), releases said substances through menstruation.
Did you know that your period blood contained all that? 😱