Saba® makes you feel #CómodaContigo.

The menstrual cycle affects everything: energy levels, mood, and believe it or not… digestion too! Oh yes, those symptoms of swelling, bloating, and upset stomach was not your imagination. The digestive process is also a victim of the feminine cycle that we all live each month. But why, how, and when? It’s all thanks to the hormonal changes we experience.

Continue reading, and we’ll tell you about it:
According to various studies, the hormonal imbalance of estrogen and progesterone can influence the movement of food in the intestine, causing:


Going to the bathroom takes you hours⏱😅? It may be the junk food you ate, or it may also be due to your hormones. Especially during ovulation, progesterone levels decrease and the muscles of the digestive tract relax. 
What’s the result? Greater difficulty in eliminating waste. For this reason, it’s recommended that during this period you consume sources of soluble fiber, such as potatoes (natural obviously), pumpkin, oats, and raisins.


This is another uncomfortable (and quite noisy🙊) effect of the menstrual cycle. This is because hormonal changes alter the rate of digestion very quickly and encourage the accumulation of gas💨. 
If you have this problem, avoid at all costs and for your own good, meals containing beans. On the other side, try to consume high starch foods and protein separately. This will make the digestive process easier. You can also try chewing cumin, aniseed, or fennel seeds.


Although we mentioned earlier the uncomfortable stage of constipation during your period, we are all different in terms of symptoms. Diarrhea usually occurs just before menstruation begins and is explained by the excess of serotonin and oxytocin, which facilitates the movement of the intestines.
During this period, we suggest not to consume caffeine, alcohol, fruits, or dairy products. Otherwise, all these foods will make your visits to the bathroom🚽 more frequent.
Follow our tips and make your period a much more pleasant stage.