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Did you know that breast cancer is the most common kind of cancer in women in the United States, after skin cancer?

And that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime? If you didn’t know, don’t be alarmed.


We know this sounds worrisome, but breast cancer can be detected and prevented very easily. Read on, and we’ll tell you how.

Early detection is essential, and that’s why we have to check our breasts every day. Do a breast self-examination as often as you can, and look for anything abnormal or any changes in your breasts. If you notice something’s wrong or different, it is super important that you go to your doctor as soon as possible. It’s likely nothing, but it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor to make sure everything’s fine.

These are some of the anomalies that you should look out for:

  • Protuberance: It may be that it's not painful; it may also be hard with irregular edges. But some cancerous tumors can also be painful and round in shape.
  • Swelling:Atypical partial, or full, swelling of the breast, or breasts.
  • Irritation:If the skin on your breasts is irritated or extremely dry.
  • Dimpling:The formation of dimples (similar to the ones on the outside of an orange).
  • Pain:Of the breast or nipple, including extreme sensitivity.
  • Redness:Peeling or thickening of the skin of the breast.
  • Secretion:From the nipple other than breast milk.

If any of these anomalies are present, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Changing your lifestyle and incorporating habits that make you healthier can reduce your chances of developing breast cancer. So, exercise; eat fruits and vegetables; stay away from cigarettes and alcohol; and try to avoid stress in your daily life.

Also, stick to a routine to check your breasts. If you’re 40 years old or over, schedule an appointment at around the same time every year for a mammogram. Incorporate a self-examination into your day-to-day so that you never forget to do it.

Breast cancer is a serious illness that can strike anyone, regardless of age. So, let’s be attentive to the signs, and do our mammograms and exams, to reduce the risk of getting this terrible disease.